Monday, August 31

new toy

(image via)

I bought a $15 disposable camera from CVS. Every time I return the camera to get developed CVS will reload it with film for free! I'm excited because I have to think more about the photo before I take it, instead of taking multiple digital shots. It also means I get printed out pictures. I've only taken four or so photos but I'm enjoying it. Printing out the photos will be a suprise!

&& we're back

The first week at school was intense but awesome
& the first weekend was a great celebration!
I feel like this year is going to be amazing
& that I have a group solidifying *cross fingers*

& basically I'm like this all the time.

Thursday, August 20


This weekend is so exciting already!

-move in
- Inglorious Basterds with peoples
- welcome back celebrations

- Zombies & Shakespeare

Life is beautiful.
Now if only I could magically have everything packed.


Yes it's cheesy. No I don't care. Life is good.

Wednesday, August 19

countdown: 2

It's too hot to move right now.
muggy. muggy. gross.

Monday, August 17

Countdown: 4

Sunday was spent watching movies and eating junk food.
Good-bye lazy summer.
You'll be missed.

Saturday, August 15

countdown: 6

Saturday at the Botanical Gardens with Boyfriend. It took us all summer to get here and it was worth it! Despite getting lost, 90* weather, and near-starvation, we had tons of fun! I was most excited about a section of the conservatory where you could smell plants from all over the world. French vanilla, cinnamon, yum!

I love this plant name. It would be the most delectable lipstick color.

Om nom!

countdown: 7

This weekend is the last weekend of my summer vacation. Boyfriend and I are going to celebrate it and fill it with all sorts of fun activities.

School in one week.

Thursday, August 13

countdown: 8

Wednesday, August 12

countdown: 9 days

I have heard from many people that college was "the best time of their life". A lot of adults will ask about college life and then smile as their eyes glaze over and they remember their youthful adventures. They recount stories of epic parties, school dances, late nights/early mornings, and urge me to seize every opportunity because college is the "best time ever."
God, I hope not.
Yes, there is something to be said for a cafeteria filled with prepared food, having all your friends in the same campus, and weekends consisting of Popov and red solo cups. I like the routine of classes and the mechanics of writing papers (probably more than most students). But, college is not going to be the best time in my life.
I have high hopes for my 20s. I can't wait to get my first apartment and learn to cook. I'm excited about traveling. The idea of owning my own car is exhilarating. One day I want to get married, I have a feeling that'll be pretty awesome.
My 30s will be great too! I'm going to have kids, just a couple. I hear that babies are super. I can't wait to teach them funny words, help them walk for the first time, and to lose my self in endless games of patty-cake and peek-a-boo. I'm going to buy a house and I looking forward to arguing over who's turn it is to unload the dishwasher or take out the trash.
One day my kids will be grown and gone and I'll retire. I think these are called the "golden years". There will be grandchildren to spoil, tea to drink, and (hopefully) a back porch to sit on. Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to those times too.
I don't understand how people can think that college is the best time of their life when there are SO MANY other amazing times to be had. When I am lying on my death bed I hope that I look back on my life and can't pick a "best time" out of all the great times I've had.

Oh, I'm not complaining about college. Trust me, these times, these times are good times. :)

That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - Id always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
Bryan Adams, Summer of '69

Tuesday, August 11

how to solve the knots-in-your-stomach problem:

Happy List:

1. Love bugs on trees
2. Lovebugs waiting at home
3. Belovery Valentines
4. Funny websites
5. Amy Winehouse on the radio
6. Hope for the future
7. Sweet Pea scented hand sanitizer
8. New skirts
9. Time flying at work
10. Delicate new bracelets from your love.

countdown: 10 days

This is my new roommate!
(& her Boyf).

I went to see her this weekend & we are the same!
I am thinking this year is going to be the best so far.

In other news: SUSHI is delicious!

I made it safely home :)

Saturday, August 8



–noun, plural -ous⋅ies for 4.
1. jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself.
2. mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
3. vigilance in maintaining or guarding something.
4. a jealous feeling, disposition, state, or mood.

Saturday, August 1

richmond love